Monday, December 21, 2009


Running, past him, past her, past it, past the world, hard after Him. It is the only thing I can do right now, the only thing I want to do, the only thing I yearn to do. Spinning with my arms out, eyes to the heavens, smiling, laughing, enjoying His constant Presence. Taken to the back side of the mountain to be alone with Him, spend time with Him, get to know Him better, stumbling, falling, but clinging steadily, clutching, grabbing, reaching out, in earnest. Thought that I didn’t have much else to learn, thought I was arriving, seeing now that I am just beginning, just starting to see, long, long journey ahead of me. Getting glimpses of His beautiful glory, His Presence, His smell-one day. Falling every day more in love…with a man I have never seen, my Creator I have never met. Sweet comfort and peace amidst a storm, any storm. Have to give it time to heal, go through it, experience the raw emotions of it, let them come, don’t be afraid of them, embrace them, grab His hand and crawl through it. Reading Colossians 1 makes me tremble, long for Him. Being alone with Him, searching for His guidance, and in doing so, committing to it. Amazed everyday at His pursuit of me, so thankful for the insatiable hunger for Him that has never left me or been far from me. What is more important than Him? Can He ever be fully known? I hope not because I want to run after Him for the rest of my life on this earth.