Friday, March 27, 2009


The truth is that Jesus Christ loves us more than we can EVER fathom. Beauty is God, God is beauty. There is no substitute for Jesus Christ, there never will be. We are all broken in some way-all of us, ALL of us. Jesus Christ is the ONLY One who can TRULY heal us, Jesus not only wants to us to receive His salvation, but He wants to restore us from the Destroyer of this earth-Lucifer-did you know his name means “Son of the morning”? Satan was breathtakingly beautiful, but his beauty consumed him to the point where he wanted ALL of the attention on himself, not God, and so he was cast down. Thus Satan has a special hatred for beauty, for all things beautiful. This has a special relation when it comes to girls, we who were made to be exceptionally beautiful (how many paintings do you see of naked men?), we who are able to give life-Satan has forever haunted us w/a continuous stream of lies consisting of things like-you aren’t good enough, you aren’t worthy of that, you will never be that beautiful, no one will love you for who you really are, you have no special purpose-lies. I have to tell you, I have a personal relationship w/Jesus Christ, that may sound crazy to some-“you have a PERSONAL relationship w/the God of the universe?” Yes I do, it is the most important thing in my life-it consumes me almost constantly and most of the time I have to control the fact that He makes me so incredibly happy I could scream :o) This relationship is open to ALL, all you have to do is TRUST Him, take the “risk”, accept His perfect Love, why wouldn’t you? I’m a topic jumper, so now I want to talk about how RICH God’s Word is-this is an awesome verse:

“For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.”
~Hebrews 4:12-13

Wow, I don’t know about you but I know that I definitely need the thoughts and attitudes of my heart judged, sometimes I don’t even know the awful things I have hidden in there. And how DEEP His Word goes-to DIVIDE the soul and spirit (body is the first layer, soul is something that can feel emotion and change and be “moved”, but the Spirit of someone-God’s Spirit living inside someone-when you accept Him as your savior-that is the deepest part of man-of me), and to divide joint and marrow? well if you know your anatomy-that is deep and tough! Jesus is my creator, He gives me my next breath and allows my heart to beat, He is the only thing that truly makes me feel like I am living, how awesome that I get to talk to Him, that He teaches me through His Word, that I get to share Him w/others, that I get to worship Him, that I can see this world in an entirely different light thanks to Him. Last night I asked Him to help me to see myself as He sees me, help me to see the beauty He sees in me so that I don’t have the need to hear that I’m beautiful from anyone else, and let me tell you today…

Oh, Jesus how I Love YOU!

“Remain in Me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself, it must remain in the Vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me.” ~John 15:4

Receive His salvation-take the “risk”, the BEST decision you will ever make:

Admit to God that you believe you are a sinner (we all are), tell Him that you believe Jesus died on the cross to drink all of these sins, that He came back to life (Happy Easter!) and that He is alive today (Hallelujah!), invite Him into your life to be your savior and friend, receive His precious Spirit inside yourself (how awesome!), pray something like this: “Dear Jesus thank You for making ME, there was no one on earth like me, so you created me because You love me-exactly for who I am, You accept me despite everything I have become-good and bad, I realize I have this deep NEED for You, I ask You to forgive me, thank You for dying for ME-for seeing ME personally as You did and taking my sins upon Yourself-I will never know how that felt-to take all of the worlds sins-past, present, and future on Yourself at one time, please help me to understand it more, as much as I know how, I want to follow You from now on, please come into my life and make me a new person, I accept Your gift of salvation, help me grow as a Christian, in Your name Jesus-AMEN!!!

I am not trying to sound like some CRAZED Christian, I just know that I am not the same as I used to be after getting serious about Jesus, to all my friends, I hope you know that I love you, and to me it would be a dishonor not to tell you about this insane Love I’ve accepted and live in (I hope most of you already know that I love Jesus), I am by NO means saying I am perfect and have it all together, but what I am saying is that I am going to heaven one day, I have this Man Jesus to fall back on every night when it seems all others have failed me, and want desperately for all of my friends to have this too! Wooooo, ok so here is my churches website if you ever want to visit , and if you are just looking to explore what it means to be a Christian, there is an AMAZING class on the website called “Starting Point” (which I think starts next weekend) that you can go to-I went to it awhile back and LOVED it :o) Ok……I’m done, for now :o)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Watch this.