Sunday, August 23, 2009

When You are not enough...

When You are not enough
I seek the pleasures of this world
When you are not enough
My hope is lost
When You are not enough
Joy cannot be found
When You are not enough
Please Lord, break my heart

When You are not enough
I carry all my guilt and shame
When You are not enough
I can not bear it
When You are not enough
I'd like to think I've learned by now
When You are not enough
Please Lord, Break my Heart
Please Lord, Change my heart

When You are not enough
We trade Your beauty for a lie
When You are not enough
Nothing satisfies
When You are not enough
Your joy is always out of reach
When You are not enough
Please Lord, Break My Heart
Please Lord, Change my heart

grant us mercy
grant us grace
grant wisdom
grant us faith

~Thad Cockrell, Matt Stevens
Vintage21 Church

Sunday, August 9, 2009

At Your disposal...

So…let’s chat shall we (or more like I will “speak”), it’s been quite some time…Relentless, that’s what God is, I am so very thankful for that. I have learned over the past several months the magnitude to which He desires me and the way that He refuses to let me go. Hallelujah. Just when I need the reassurance that He is actually aware of my circumstances and the daily “happenings” in my life, He shows up and lets me know that Yes He IS here WITH me and Yes He does see every detail of my life and Yes He is CONCERNED to say the least. I remember praying awhile back and asking God to SIFT me, to weed out anything in my heart and in my life that didn’t bring Him glory, maybe I was just half serious, but I have now determined that He is FULLY serious about doing this. I heard in church this morning that as a Christian if your life is not encountering any opposition, then you should question if you are truly a follower of Jesus Christ, I really liked that bold statement b/c I believe we serve a very bold God. When Jesus walked the earth He encountered LOTS of opposition, so basically if you go through “hell” once in awhile or frequently, get on your knees and thank God that He is using you to glorify Himself and bring His kingdom to earth! I also went to church last night and my pastor said, “Your life is not about fulfilling your calling to glorify yourself, to make yourself known, to gain happiness, or to be successful according to the world, it is to bring the Lord Jesus Christ GLORY and Him ALONE”, loved church this weekend!!! I think one of the main things I have been learning lately is to seek God and His Face and to know Him truly and His character and who I am Him in Him :o)