Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Old blog.
Posted by Rach at 3:16 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
I'm whining, mainly b/c I CAN :o). Sorry, I just have WAY too much going on, I need to BREATHE...ok, God is AWESOME, God is ALWAYS GOOD, I can TRUST God-definitely not my own brain sometimes...I wanted to write on commitment (or lack there of), but I don't have that much time, I just needed to vent (maybe to my computer if nobody reads this), I need an outlet...geez, I just finished my yoga class-thought it would relax me, but no, the brain was still going 500 miles an hour :o(. DANG IT!!! Ok I'm done-here's a good final thought:
"God wants nothing from us except our needs, and these furnish Him with room to display His bounty when He supplies them freely...Not what I have, but what I do not have, is the first point of contact between my soul and God."
~Charles H. Spurgeon
Posted by Rach at 6:06 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Rachel's blog: Season 3
It seems that for every season of my life, a new blog begins. I won't go into much detail as to why the other two are now private (and if you REALLY want to read them, let me know and I can invite you!), but just know that it's personal.
I wanted to talk about God's incredible LOVE. It's hard to explain how God wants to love you and how much He loves you until you get a little taste of it. I have personally found that the more TIME I spend with Him, just Him-no distractions, how He adds new dimensions of this love in my life. I find it mind-blowing that He wants a relationship with ME, He wants to know me. A friend told me one time as she was just getting to know God that a woman at church approached her and said, "you know Angela, God loves you." She replied, "yes, I know", and the lady said, "no Angela, He loves YOU, there was no one in the entire world like you, so He created you." I thought that was awesome! All of the crazy things that make you the way you are, your personality, your style, everything about you-God loves, that's why He created you-love it! It makes me SO happy and full of joy to know that I get to have more of Him everyday and get closer and closer to Him! I am complete knowing Jesus, but it makes my heart absolutely break for those who don't know Him, how much they're missing! Jesus is my Best Friend, there's nothing else in this world that can take His place or should!
The thing I've realized lately is that He wants to love you from DEEP inside yourself, from your soul, from the place inside you that may be holding onto scars from the past, scars that are so buried you may have forgotten they're there. The amazing thing about our Father is that once His Love starts to REALLY fill you, it begins to encompass ALL the buried hurt and scars and memories and purges you from it. A deep soul cleansing-no psychiatrist (human being) could ever do that kind of cleaning! And man does it hurt! It's amazing what starts to come out once you start letting Him wash you! God it's wonderful, You're wonderful! This is an odd way to explain it, but it's almost like a gut wrenching love, a love that is so intense, it almost feels like you'll explode-His love is Powerful!!!
A week and a half ago I did my first three day fast-a complete 72 hour water only fast, I told no one except a close friend and it was one of the best three days of my life-excruciating at times, but I have NEVER felt closer to God than then-I read an awesome book on fasting by Jentezen Franklin and decided on the three day from there. I also won't go into detail on the incredible things that happened during and after the fast (you should keep these b/w you and God), but I will definitely suggest doing a fast, they are Biblical, and this definitely won't be my last! My room-mate and I are planning on doing a 40 day Daniel fast soon, we are excited!
I will be posting a "book and CD of the month" to the right each month, two that I have fallen in love with and listen to and read (among many others) during that month, please check them out, they mean alot to me and I'm sure you'll love them too!
Posted by Rach at 12:03 PM 2 comments